Saturday, July 5, 2008

back to the states...

Well, we made it home and British Airways assures us that the remaining two pieces of our luggage will be right behind us and come to our house by 6 on Saturday If you're going to lose luggage, that last flight is the one you can afford to lose them on, so we're all good. During our 5 hours in London's Heathrow airport, we sat at Starbucks and debriefed. We made lists.... The top 10 things (actually, we had to make it 11 as we couldn't leave any of those out) funniest moments, interesting things we learned, most beautiful things we saw, most significant moments, frustrating things, surprising things, random wonderful things, etc. Once those are edited, we will post some of them.

It was great to see the boys again!!! They both met us a the airport with a haircuts. They said that since the house was intact, they didn't damage the cars, Grant didn't spend all the money we left, etc. they needed some way to shock us.

Now we're just trying to get sorted out and back on the Central time zone. We managed to head over to the Harks house for a 4th of July get together and we even stayed up for fireworks, but now I'm awake in the middle of the night, sorting through the volumes of e-mails, etc. that have been ignored while we were gone.

Thanks so much for your prayers for our safety. We are very thankful to be home and together with all 5 of us here! more later...I'm going to try to get back to sleep before the sun comes up!

1 comment:

Jim Clark said...

Hey Olers...
Welcome home!!! Glad to hear that you're back safe and sound. I'll look forward to some more pictures and some of those lists. But it's good to hear that you're back. I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the morning.
