Sunday, July 20, 2008

most beautiful things we saw

here's the next one of our lists...


* Blue Lagoon- this beach was just a short walk from Turtle Bay and one of the most beautiful beaches I've been on

* Rift Vally- the first view of this huge valley is breathtaking. You come out of Nairobi and then there it is! I wish I knew how many miles you can see.


360 around Salepu’s- it felt like we were on top of the world, no other human dwellings in sight.


Loan acacia tree’s- I kept finding one more picture perfect trees that were just beautiful against the blue sky


Single Maasai in red- we didn't get a good picture to some out of this. The Maasai herdsmen wear bright red and they stand out against the yellows of the grasses.

Out of Africa view point- no wonder they made the movie here!

*Traditional housing- these huts are dark and smoky, but they sure are pretty from the outside.

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