Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The countdown stands at 42 days until we leave and we're getting excited. I realized what an international world we live in when I called a Chicago phone number and talked to a customer service agent in India about our flight from Nairobi to Malindi, Kenya. We plan to have a letter out to the church on May 18th with more details about our trip. Connie has sent a list of items that can't be purchased in Kenya and we plan to take those things over with us in our suitcases. If the bags are full of instant pudding, peanut butter, sunscreen, dental floss and gifts for the Maasai people on our way over, then we have room to bring home some Kenyan items! June 1st is the sending service and a day to take an offering from the church at FVCC to the Maasai church. If you get this blog link and want the church letter sent to you by e-mail, let me know at