Thursday, July 3, 2008

almost ready to leave

Our time at the coast was so relaxing and fun. We switched over to a beach schedule, woke to put on our swim suits and only really got dressed for dinner. We met so many interesting people from all over the world! Some favorite moments included Paige playing water polo, watching a group of acrobats who presented the evening entertainment at Turtle Bay, and the last morning we had a group of Kenyan young men took us on a walk on the reef at low tide. They showed us star fish, crabs, jellyfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and the highlight was the family of eels. If you put a piece of sausage on a stick, you can entice them out of their holes; that was SO fun to see. We went snorkeling in a marine park too! We worked on our Swahili phrases and just enjoyed this beautiful part of Kenya.

For our last full day in Nairobi, we did the more typical tourist things; we went to the Giraffe Farm, the Elephant orphanage and then ate lunch at the Carnivore.

This has really been a “trip of a lifetime” and when we look at the pictures from 21 days ago, it seems like ages, so much has happened. We’ve learned so much, met so many wonderful people, seen things that are beautiful, sad, thrilling, life affirming, fun and shocking. Condensing it into any kind of a manageable way to communicate it is going to be a real trick! We’ve taken over 2000 photos, hours of video and purchased a good number of things to remember our visit by. Somehow we will clip it down so we can share it with other people and not have them fall asleep or zone out. We do have our 109 favorite photos selected, so that’s a start!

We leave late on July 3 and arrive home the afternoon of July 4. It’s a trip of about 30 hours door to door, so we probably won’t be in very good shape to visit with for a few days!

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