Monday, June 23, 2008


Photo captions.

1. Sandy, Kevin and Paige with Daniel Tuke, his wife Jennifer, three of his 11 children and another man named Daniel who is kind of training under Daniel Tuke. This is their home where we ate lunch after church

2.Church under a tree, Kevin and I were asked to speak and we brought greetings from our church to theirs.

3. Paige inside Nolkiraou’s house. It’s hard to tell how DARK it was in there because the flash lights it up. There were lots of children, women, goats, dogs and a cat in there while dinner was being cooked

Today, Monday, is a catch up day in Nairobi. We slept in late and Connie did some errands while we stayed home. Our weekend was very full. Saturday, we visited Augustin, who works as a house helper in the Crum’s home. He and his wife, Lister, and daughters, Sylvia and Lorna, live in Kangemi Centre. It’s a slum area of Nairobi and he lives in a three story building that houses 50 families. Each family had two rooms that open onto a central stairwell open area. It was laundry day so we walked under LOTS of laundry hung out to dry! The girls’ cousin Vivian, a neighbor, Enoch, another cousin and sister-in-law, and a few other people popped in to say hi. The little girls loved playing with Paige and Rachel’s long hair and playing with the digital camera and checking out their pictures. It was fun to get to know them in their home setting, to realize how hard their lives are, but how much they are trying to make a better life for their children. Both Augustin and Lister are hard workers, responsible parents, etc. but they have a struggle to pay the girls school fees and ever get ahead. The community supports each other, watching each other’s children, borrowing dishes when someone has company, etc. and they live near a lot of family, but they miss their extended family who live out in their home area of the country. We have been honored by the invitation into many homes of those who have very little, but are glad to share what they have and give visitors the best seat, the first food and their gift of friendship. I don’t think anyone can come away from an experience like this and not be changed. Check out Paige’s blog for her impression of our day on Sunday! I’ve resized a few of our favorite photos, so hopefully I can post those and you can get a better idea of what we’ve been doing!

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